Entries shown below denoted with [ Example ] are either completed works or works under construction.

Only those entries which have a presentational album exist in the button links above.


Manufacturing, Research and Service Facility: Northern Industrial Park, Milan, Italy.
Civic Center with City Hall
Pieve Emanuele, Milan, Italy.
Secondary School and Playing Field
Pieve Emanuele, Milan, Italy.


Nursery School and Day Nursery
Zerbo di Opera, Milan, Italy.
Day Nursery
Gennara di Abbiategrasso, Milan, Italy.
Secondary School
Saronno, Milan, Italy.


Competition Project
University of Calabria: Montalto Offugo, Cosenza, Italy.


Private Residence
Meina, Novara, Italy.
Competition Project
Regional Government Offices: Trieste, Italy.
IACP Apartment Complex
Bollate, Italy.
Zone 7 Redevelopment Plan for Pedestrian Area: Milan, Italy.
Agrarian Technical Institute with playing field
Mirasole Village, Noverasco di Opera, Milan, Italy.
Gescal Housing prototypes for zone 11 and 12 for the Milan Metropolitan System: Milan, Italy


Secondary School with Service Complex
Monaca di Cesano Boscone, Milan, Italy. Project included an auditorium and sport facilities.
Court House Redevelopment
Ancona, Italy.


Civic Center
Pioltello, Milan, Italy. Project include a city hall, residential buildings, commercial complexes, and sport facilities.


Competition Project
New piazza: Ancona, Italy.
Prototype Study
Museum-Tower by the Civic Gates: Milan, Italy


Competition Project
Senior Secondary School: San Martino-Cascine d'Agnona, Borgosesia, Vercelli, Italy.
Project for "Casabella", an archtectural magazine
Zone 2 Redevelopment (Isola-Garibaldi), Milan, Italy.